Testing your data

ETL unit tests

Unit tests ensure that there are no errors in the underlying utility classes that could cause errors in code you build on top of them.

Tests are run with:

make etl-unittest

Metadata integration tests

Integration tests make sure that the metadata being generated as part of your ETL will actually be queryable by the API. For example, if you have an ETL that ingests data but does not ..

API unit tests

API unit tests make sure the observatory-extension, which reads data and metadata from the ETL, are working right.

In order for this to function, you’ll need to clone a copy of observatory-extension into the root of the bigmetadata repo.

git clone git@github.com:cartodb/observatory-extension
make extension-unittest

Integration tests

Integration tests ensure that the data from the ETL that is set for deployment is is able to return a measure for every piece of metadata.

As above, you’ll need a copy of observatory-extension locally for this test to work.

git clone git@github.com:cartodb/observatory-extension
make extension-autotest