Validating your code

Best practices

Writing ETL code is meant to be open-ended, but there are some standards that should be followed to help keep the code clean and clear.

Proper use of utility classes

There are extensive abstract-classes available for development. These can do things like download and unzip a file to disk (tasks.base_tasks.DownloadUnzipTask) and import a CSV on disk to a temporary table (tasks.base_tasks.CSV2TempTableTask). These classes should be used when possible to minimize specialized ETL code. In particular, these tasks save output to well-known locations so as to avoid redundantly running the same tasks.

Clearly documented command that runs a WrapperTask to create everything

Oftentimes an ETL will have to loop over a parameter to get all the data – for example, if a dataset is available online year-by-year, it may make sense to write a single task that downloads one year’s file, with an parameter specifying which year.

luigi.WrapperTask is a way to make sure such tasks are executed for every relevant parameter programmatically. A powerful example of this can be found with, which executes a task once for each geography level, year, and month in that year.

A generic example of using a luigi.WrapperTask:

from luigi import WrapperTask, Task, Parameter

class MyTask(Task):
    This task needs to be run for each possible `geog`

    geog = Parameter()

    def run(self):

    def output(self):

class MyWrapperTask(WrapperTask):
    Execute `MyTask` once for each possible `geog`.

    def requires(self):
        for geog in ('state', 'county', 'city'):
            yield MyTask(geog=geog)

Use parameters only when necessary

Tasks are unique to their parameters. In other words, if a task is run once with a certain set of parameters, it will not be run again unless the output it generated is deleted.

Therefore it’s very important to not have parameters available in a Task’s definition that do not affect its result. If you have such extraneous parameters, it would be possible to run a task redundantly.

An example of this:

from tasks.base_tasks import DownloadUnzipTask

class MyBadTask(DownloadUnzipTask):

    goodparam = Parameter()
    badparam = Parameter()

    def url(self):
        return 'http://somesite/with/data/{}'.format(self.goodparam)

tasks.base_tasks.DownloadUnzipTask will generate the location for a unique output file automatically based off of all its params, but badparam above doesn’t actually affect the file being downloaded. That means if we change badparam we’ll download the same file twice.

Use default parameter values sparingly

The above bad practice is easily paired with setting default values for parameters. For example:

from tasks.base_tasks import DownloadUnzipTask

class MyBadTask(DownloadUnzipTask):
    My URL doesn't depend on `badparam`!

    goodparam = Parameter()
    badparam = Parameter(default='foo')

    def url(self):
        return 'http://somesite/with/data/{}'.format(self.goodparam)

Now it’s easy to simply forget that badparam even exists! But it still affects the output filename, making it noisy and less clear which parameters actually matter.

Keep fewer than 1000 columns per table

Postgres has a hard limit on the number of columns. If you create a tasks.base_tasks.TableTask whose columns method returns a OrderedDict with much more than 1000 columns, the task will fail.

In such cases, you’ll want to split your tasks.base_tasks.TableTask into several pieces, likely pulling columns from the same tasks.base_tasks.ColumnsTask. There is no limit on the number of columns in a tasks.base_tasks.ColumnsTask.

Each geometry column should have a unique geom_ref column with it

When setting up a tasks.base_tasks.ColumnsTask for Geometries, make sure that you store a meaningful and unique geom_ref from the same table.

  • It is meaningful if it can be found as a way to refer to that geometry in data sources elsewhere – for example, FIPS codes are meaningful references to county geometries in the USA. However, the automatically generated serial ogc_fid column from a Shapefile is not meaningful.
  • It is unique if that geom_ref column has an ID that is not duplicated by any other columns.

For example:

from tasks.base_tasks import ColumnsTask
from tasks.meta import OBSColumn, GEOM_REF
from luigi import Parameter

class MyGeoColumnsTask(ColumnsTask):

    resolution = Parameter()

    def columns(self):

        geom = OBSColumn(

        geomref = OBSColumn(
          id=self.resolution + '_id',  # Make sure we have "+ '_id'"!
          targets={geom: GEOM_REF})

        return OrderedDict([
          ('geom', geom),
          ('geomref', geomref)

No matter what resolution this Task is passed, it will generate a unique ID for both the geom and the geomref. If the + '+id' concatenation were missing, it would mean that the metadata model would not properly link geomrefs to the geometries they refer to.

Specify section, subsection, source tags and license tags for all columns

When defining your tasks.meta.OBSColumn objects in a tasks.base_tasks.ColumnsTask class, make sure each column is assigned a tasks.meta.OBSTag of type, section, subsection, source, and license. Use shared tags from tasks.tags when possible, in particular for section and subsection.

Specify unit tags for all measure columns

When defining a tasks.meta.OBSColumn that will hold a measurement, make sure to define a unit using a tag. This could be something like people, money, etc. There are standard units accessible in tasks.tags.

Making sure ETL code works right

After having written an ETL, you’ll want to double check all of the following to make sure the code is usable.

Results and byproducts are being generated

When you use Run any task to run individual components:

  • Were any exceptions thrown? On what task were they thrown? With which arguments?
  • Are appropriate files being generated in the tmp folder?
  • Are tables being created in the relevant tmp schema?
  • Are tables and columns being added to the observatory.obs_table and observatory.obs_column metadata tables?

Provided tasks.base_tasks.TableTask and tasks.base_tasks.ColumnTask classes were executed, it’s wise to jump into the database and check to make sure entries were made in those tables.

make psql
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM observatory.obs_column WHERE id LIKE '';

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM observatory.obs_table WHERE id LIKE '';

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM observatory.obs_column_table
WHERE column_id LIKE ''
  AND table_id  LIKE '';

Delete old data to start from scratch to make sure everything works

When using the proper utility classes, your data on disk, for example from downloads that are part of the ETL, will be saved to a file or folder tmp/

In order to make sure the ETL is reproduceable, it’s wise to delete this folder or move it to another location after development, and re-run to make sure that the whole process can still run from start to finish.

Making sure metadata works right

Checking the metadata works right is one of the more challenging components of QA’ing new ETL code.

Regenerate the obs_meta table

The obs_meta table is a denormalized view of the underlying metadata objects that you’ve created when running tasks.

You can force the regeneration of this table using tasks.carto.OBSMetaToLocal

make -- run carto OBSMetaToLocal --force

Once the table is generated, you can take a look at it in SQL:

make psql

If the metadata is working correctly, you should have more entries in obs_meta than before. If you were starting from nothing, there should be more than 0 rows in the table.

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM observatory.obs_meta;

If you already had data, you can filter obs_meta to look for new rows with a schema corresponding to what you added. For example, if you added metadata columns and tables in tasks/mx/inegi, you should look for columns with that schema:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM observatory.obs_meta WHERE numer_id LIKE 'mx.inegi.%';

If nothing is appearing in obs_meta, chances are you are missing some metadata:

Have you defined and executed a proper tasks.base_tasks.TableTask?

You can check to see if these links exist by checking obs_column_table:

make psql
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM observatory.obs_column_table
WHERE column_id LIKE 'my.schema.%'
  AND table_id LIKE 'my.schema.%';

If they don’t exist, make sure that your Python code roughly corresponds to:

from tasks.base_tasks import ColumnsTask, TableTask

class MyColumnsTask(ColumnsTask):

    def columns(self):
        # Return OrderdDict of columns here

class MyTableTask(TableTask):

    def table_timespan(self):
        # Return timespan here

    def requires(self):
        return {
            'columns': MyColumnsTask()

    def columns(self):
        return self.input()['columns']

    def populate(self):
        # Populate the output table here

Unless the TableTask returns some of the columns from ColumnsTask in its own columns method, the links will not be initialized properly.

Finally, double check that you actually ran the TableTask using make -- run my.schema MyTableTask.

Are you defining geom_ref relationships properly?

In cases where a TableTask does not have its own geometries, at least one of the columns returned from its columns method needs to be in a geom_ref relationship. Here’s an example:

from collections import OrderedDict

from tasks.base_tasks import ColumnsTask, TableTask
from tasks.meta import OBSColumn, GEOM_REF

class MyGeoColumnsTask(ColumnsTask):
    def columns(self):

        geom = OBSColumn(

        geomref = OBSColumn(
          targets={geom: GEOM_REF})

        return OrderedDict([
          ('geom', geom),
          ('geomref', geomref)

class MyColumnsTask(ColumnsTask):

    def columns(self):
        # Return OrderdDict of columns here

class MyTableTask(TableTask):

    def table_timespan(self):
        # Return timespan here

    def requires(self):
        return {
            'geom_columns': MyGeoColumnsTask(),
            'data_columns': MyColumnsTask()

    def columns(self):
        cols = OrderedDict()
        cols['geomref'] = self.input()['geom_columns']['geomref']
        return cols

    def populate(self):
        # Populate the output table here

The above code would ensure that all columns existing inside MyTableTask would be appropriately linked to any geometries that connect to geomref.

Do you have both the data and geometries in your table?

You can check by running:

SELECT * FROM observatory.obs_table
WHERE id LIKE 'my.schema.%';

If there is only one table and it has a null “the_geom” boundary, then you are missing a geometry table. For example:

SELECT * from observatory.obs_table
WHERE id LIKE 'es.ine.five_year_population%';
                   id                   |                  tablename                   | timespan | the_geom | description | version
 es.ine.five_year_population_99914b932b | obs_24b656e9e23d1dac2c8ab5786a388f9bf0f4e5ae | 2015     |          |             |       5
(1 row)

Notice that the_geom is empty. You will need to write a second TableTask with the following structure:

class Geometry(TableTask):

     def table_timespan(self):
         # Return timespan here

     def requires(self):
        return {
            'meta': MyGeoColumnsTask(),
            'data': RawGeometry()

    def columns(self):
        return self.input()['meta']

     def populate(self):
         # Populate the output table here

Regenerate and look at the Catalog

Once tasks.carto.OBSMetaToLocal has been run, you can generate the catalog.

make catalog

You can view the generated Catalog in a browser window by going to the IP and port address for the nginx process. The current processes are shown with docker-compose ps or make ps.

  1. Are there any nasty typos or missing data?
    • Variable names should be unique, human-readable, and concise. If the variable needs more in-depth definition, this should go in the “description” of the variable.
  2. Does the nesting look right? Are there columns not nested?
    • Variables that are denominators should also have subcolumns of direct nested variables.
    • There may be repetitive nesting if a variable is nested under two denominators, which is fine.
  3. Are sources and licenses populated for all measures?
    • A source and license tasks.util.OBSTag must be written for new sources and licenses
  4. Is a table with a boundary/timespan matrix appearing beneath each measure?
    • If not, hardcode the sample latitude and longitude in tasks.meta.catalog_lonlat.

Upload to a test CARTO server

If you set a CARTODB_API_KEY and CARTODB_URL in your .env file, in the format:


You will now be able to upload your data and metadata to CARTO for previewing.

make sync