

You’ll need:

You should also install make to get access to convenience commands, if you don’t have it already.

You’ll want at least 2GB of memory available on the host machine.

You’ll want at least 30GB of disk space available on the host machine to work comfortably with data and get everything running. If you want to install an existing database dump, you will need more like 120GB of space. If you want to install, say, the entire American Community Survey, you will want more like 1TB of space.

Clone & configure

Once your prerequisites are set up, clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/cartodb/bigmetadata.git
cd bigmetadata
touch .env

The last line sets up an empty conviguration. If you want to upload to your CARTO account from the ETL, you’ll then need to configure CARTODB_API_KEY and CARTODB_URL in the .env file.

If you’re on Linux instead of Mac, you may want to give your existing user docker (which is equivalent to root) privileges:

sudo gpasswd -a $(whoami) docker

Then log out, and log in.


Before running tasks the first time, you’ll need to download and start the containers.

docker-compose up -d

Once the containers are up, you need to confirm that the Postgres container has started.

make psql

This will attempt to launch into an interactive session with the container Postgres. If it doesn’t work, wait a little bit and try again. The database takes some time to get running initially.


You now should be able to run a task.

make -- run es.ine.FiveYearPopulation


The first time you run it, that command will download a few Docker images. Depending on the speed of your connection, it could take ten or fifteen minutes. Grab a coffee!

That will run FiveYearPopulation. This includes downloading all the source data files if they don’t already exist locally, and generating all the metadata necessary to make this dataset work with observatory-extension functions.

You can take a look at the data:

make psql

gis=# select count(*) from observatory.obs_column;
(1 row)

gis=# select id, name, type, aggregate from observatory.obs_column where name ilike 'population%';

             id          |            name            |  type   | aggregate
 es.ine.pop_0_4          | Population age 0 to 4      | Numeric | sum
 es.ine.pop_5_9          | Population age 5 to 9      | Numeric | sum
 es.ine.pop_10_14        | Population age 10 to 14    | Numeric | sum
 es.ine.pop_15_19        | Population age 15 to 19    | Numeric | sum
 es.ine.pop_20_24        | Population age 20 to 24    | Numeric | sum
 es.ine.pop_25_29        | Population age 25 to 29    | Numeric | sum
 es.ine.pop_30_34        | Population age 30 to 34    | Numeric | sum
 es.ine.pop_35_39        | Population age 35 to 39    | Numeric | sum
 es.ine.pop_40_44        | Population age 40 to 44    | Numeric | sum
 es.ine.pop_45_49        | Population age 45 to 49    | Numeric | sum
 es.ine.pop_50_54        | Population age 50 to 54    | Numeric | sum
 es.ine.pop_55_59        | Population age 55 to 59    | Numeric | sum
 es.ine.pop_60_64        | Population age 60 to 64    | Numeric | sum
 es.ine.pop_65_69        | Population age 65 to 69    | Numeric | sum
 es.ine.pop_70_74        | Population age 70 to 74    | Numeric | sum
 es.ine.pop_75_79        | Population age 75 to 79    | Numeric | sum
 es.ine.pop_80_84        | Population age 80 to 84    | Numeric | sum
 es.ine.pop_85_89        | Population age 85 to 89    | Numeric | sum
 es.ine.pop_90_94        | Population age 90 to 94    | Numeric | sum
 es.ine.pop_95_99        | Population age 95 to 99    | Numeric | sum
 es.ine.pop_100_more     | Population age 100 or more | Numeric | sum
(21 rows)

gis=# select * from observatory.obs_column_to_column where source_id in (select id from observatory.obs_column where name ilike 'population%');

          source_id      |  target_id  |   reltype
 es.ine.pop_0_4          | es.ine.t1_1 | denominator
 es.ine.pop_5_9          | es.ine.t1_1 | denominator
 es.ine.pop_10_14        | es.ine.t1_1 | denominator
 es.ine.pop_15_19        | es.ine.t1_1 | denominator
 es.ine.pop_20_24        | es.ine.t1_1 | denominator
 es.ine.pop_25_29        | es.ine.t1_1 | denominator
 es.ine.pop_30_34        | es.ine.t1_1 | denominator
 es.ine.pop_35_39        | es.ine.t1_1 | denominator
 es.ine.pop_40_44        | es.ine.t1_1 | denominator
 es.ine.pop_45_49        | es.ine.t1_1 | denominator
 es.ine.pop_50_54        | es.ine.t1_1 | denominator
 es.ine.pop_55_59        | es.ine.t1_1 | denominator
 es.ine.pop_60_64        | es.ine.t1_1 | denominator
 es.ine.pop_65_69        | es.ine.t1_1 | denominator
 es.ine.pop_70_74        | es.ine.t1_1 | denominator
 es.ine.pop_75_79        | es.ine.t1_1 | denominator
 es.ine.pop_80_84        | es.ine.t1_1 | denominator
 es.ine.pop_85_89        | es.ine.t1_1 | denominator
 es.ine.pop_90_94        | es.ine.t1_1 | denominator
 es.ine.pop_95_99        | es.ine.t1_1 | denominator
 es.ine.pop_100_more     | es.ine.t1_1 | denominator
(21 rows)

gis=# select id, name, type, aggregate from observatory.obs_column where id = 'es.ine.t1_1';
     id      |       name       |  type   | aggregate
 es.ine.t1_1 | Total population | Numeric | sum
(1 row)